
How to add custom CSS class to a menu item in WordPress

How to add custom CSS class to a menu item in WordPress Go to Appearance > Menus in your WordPress dashboard. Open Screen Options by clicking the dropdown in the top-right corner. Check the box for CSS Classes to enable the option. Expan

Menu Custom CSS Classes in Navigation Widget - Support

I added custom css classes to my menu items to display fontawesome icons. This works wonderfully when the menu is displayed in the header. But if I display the ...

Wordpress Custom Menu Widget and CSS Styling

The custom menus are (or should be) created in functions.php inside your them. Find a piece of code like this one, and check or add the ...

Custom Menu Styling With CSS - wordpress

I want to style this custom menu in the following way: I want to center it while maintaining it's custom underline. The underline should be the same length all ...

Add CSS class to a WordPress menu

In this article, I show you how to add a custom CSS class to a WordPress menu in order to highlight a specific menu item.                        

Customize the Menu Design

CSS Classes for Menu Items · From your WordPress.com dashboard, navigate to Appearance → Customize → Menus. · Select the ⚙️ (gear) icon to open the advanced menu ...

Plugin Tag: custom menu

This plugin allows you to display a custom menu that you've created in your theme's Menus section in a post or page.

How to give custom classes to the WordPress Menu widget

You can customize what tag is used (div, ul, etc.) or tell WP not to use a container at all, as well as set the ID and/or class (menu-menu-1-container, etc.)

Wordpress Custom Menu Widget Style

You can assign individual CSS classes to the menu items from a custom navigation menu, in http://example.com/wp-admin/nav-menus.php .

How to create a custom menu widget in WordPress

Go to Appearance > Menus from your WordPress dashboard. Click on the Create a new menu link to create a new menu ...


HowtoaddcustomCSSclasstoamenuiteminWordPressGotoAppearance>MenusinyourWordPressdashboard.OpenScreenOptionsbyclickingthedropdowninthetop-rightcorner.ChecktheboxforCSSClassestoenabletheoption.Expan,Iaddedcustomcssclassestomymenuitemstodisplayfontawesomeicons.Thisworkswonderfullywhenthemenuisdisplayedintheheader.ButifIdisplaythe ...,Thecustommenusare(orshouldbe)createdinfunctions.phpinsideyour...